In case you don’t recognize the location, this first one was outside the Verizon store near Panera at Forest Lakes, and was taken with a IR modified digital camera.
The one below started out as color HDR, didn’t like it, played around a bit, and settled on the one below. Happy with that one 🙂
Another digital IR, this is the typical look from digital IR, dark sky, white grass…
This one below is a combination, digital IR and HDR. Needed the HDR to retain some detail in the wagon without the sky being too bright.
Two more digital IR below..
This last one is also digital IR, but has very little processing. This is the way it looked coming out of the camera. The digital IR images usually have a little a color straight out of the camera and I left it for this image. I usually convert them to black and white, but liked this one better like it is.