Another great class graduates from MCHS tomorrow. Thank all of you for spending a bit of time with me for your senior portraits. The very best of luck in your futures.

Nick gets the cover photo because he brought a guitar to his senior portraits, and the song starts with a guitar solo, so I thought that was a cool coincidence 🙂 

The Class of 2016 from John Berry on Vimeo.

Thank you and Congratulations to the Class of 2016!

I’m a bit behind on this blogging thing, so I’m going to try to catch up over the next few weeks.

SO many great kids this year.  But, it’s that way every year.

Beautiful, right!? And the background isn’t bad either 😉

I rarely post the yearbook formals, but this is just too good.

After I did her formals, we did the ones below.  I hope to do more like those below in the future.  If you’re interested, but sure to mention it.


MCHS Class of 2016

Here we go……

August 10, 2015.   Zoe Graves Senior Portraits.  MCHS Class of 2016.

Fuji Acros Black and White Film

August 14, 2015.  Zoe Graves Senior Portraits.  MCHS Class of 2016.

August 14, 2015.  Zoe Graves Senior Portraits.  MCHS Class of 2016.

August 14, 2015.  Zoe Graves Senior Portraits.  MCHS Class of 2016.

August 14, 2015.  Zoe Graves Senior Portraits.  MCHS Class of 2016.

August 14, 2015.  Zoe Graves Senior Portraits.  MCHS Class of 2016.

August 14, 2015.  Zoe Graves Senior Portraits.  MCHS Class of 2016.

August 14, 2015.   Zoe Graves Senior Portraits.  MCHS Class of 2016.

Kodak Tri-X Black and White Film
Kodak Tri-X Black and White Film

Kodak Tri-X Black and White Film
Kodak Tri-X Black and White Film