And for something a little different from me, a music video 🙂

Clare had been in touch about shooting some “b roll” for an upcoming video to launch her new EP. The main footage of the video was shot in Nashville, with the video I shot filling in here and there as b roll. Long story, but the video ending up being primarily my b roll, with few other additions to fill it out. You can watch below. The YouTube tags at the beginning and end are mine, the still is mine, and all of the black and white footage is what I shot. Be sure to click through and Subscribe to her YouTube channel. Not only will you get updates on new music, but more subscribers give her higher ranking on YouTube and that’s a huge help. To find out more, and see upcoming show dates, check out her website,

A few photos and a video.  These were all taken around 3:45pm.  The Robinson River was MUCH higher earlier in the day, over the bridge on Beahm Town Road, which is VERY VERY rare.  This is the only time I’ve actually seen it over that bridge.

Click on an image to see it larger.

Looking ‘down river’ towards Rt 15 and Orange.

Four stitched photos looking ‘down river’.

Intersection of Fords Shop Road (left side of photo) and Beahm Town Road. Earlier in the day, the intersection was under water.

If you’d like to purchase a DVD of the Waverly Yowell Singer’s performance of “Thanks for the Memories….and All That Jazz”, click the “Buy Now” button below.   Price is $14 and includes VA Sales Tax and Shipping.  I’ll ship the DVD directly to you.  You can pay with Paypal, or Credit Card if you don’t have a Paypal account.




